Fire Training

The Responsible Person must ensure that their staff receive adequate Fire Training, as set out in of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.

Basic Fire Awareness Training must be completed at the start of employment and repeated as often as necessary and should take place during working hours.

Staff can also volunteer to take on further responsibility including becoming a Fire Warden and trained in the use of Fire Extinguishers.

K J Randall and Associates can design a Fire Training package to suit your specific needs. Training will ensure people are qualified to evacuate relevant persons to a safe area.

The training will comprise of some theory and practical work, including hands on experience discharging an extinguisher.

We’ll design the training packages to your site which can include a mock fire scenario to test your employees resilience.

It’s a legal requirement to have nominated Fire Wardens who are suitably trained to direct the evacuation of all personnel from your building.

We can happily deliver a 45 minutes lunch hour course. Most of the time you don’t need to spend half a day covering your requirements.

All training will ensure you meet with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 and The Fire Safety (Employees Capabilities) (England) Regulations 2010.

Areas covered are:

  • Employers responsibilities and the law

  • Classifications of Fire

  • Types of Fire Extinguisher

  • How to use a Fire Extinguisher

  • Progressive Horizontal & Vertical Evacuation

  • Emergency Plans

  • Using emergency equipment

  • Dealing with bariatric patients

  • Triangle of fire

  • Fire Wardens responsibilities

  • Basic fire precautions

  • Fire routines

  • Fire classification

  • Fire alarms & evacuation procedures 

  • Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan ( PEEP )

  • Human behaviour in fire

  • Liaising with your Fire & Rescue Service

Evacuation training and procedures can also be used for:

Bomb threats


Release of toxic or explosive gases

Violent behaviour

Chemical spills


for a FREE no obligation chat about your Fire Safety needs

CALL US ON 07896 005 728